Chas, my point was the Pro guys don't need the auto play for the type of performance.. But since the arranger has auto play , they look pass it, even though it is every bit as powerful as what they play..

BTW: the same pro players will think nothing about using arpeggios (auto), and they are inferior to the results that an arranger will give you..

I have seen many pro caliber players (that would be talent wise), that will also never get rich playing :), they are surprised when you show them how a top model arranger is faster and more efficient than their keyboard. Why would you think that just because they have a high skill level , that they understand technology as it concerns arranger keyboards.. They block it out of their mind just like most musicians.

Just recall how many times "pros" come in to see Don Mason, and have no idea what he is doing.. They think he is playing mp3 tracks.

Musicians in general are not as aware as you think..

Chas I must be in that 5 percent group, I have used workstations(named appropriate ) and synths.. What drawn me to arrangers, was the ability to do the same thing I was using 3 keyboard to do... with much more ease, and better sound. And that is where folks are missing the boat.

How can you expect "pros" to no anything about arranger keyboards when music store personnel are also clueless shocked
Now there is another stigma grin

PS: Chas you are just mad because I made fun about a democrat violin rotfl