Hi Frank,
I do drum conversions via OMB. It actually allows me to save the conversion tables, so I can use it again & again, plus I can alter them if required. Can save as many as I like. Best part you can also alter the velocity of individual drums by +/-. So if for instance you find your bass drum is playing too loud, put a -10 velocity against the bass drum in your table and it will alter it on just that one drum track or through out the whole style with one simple click.

best wishes
Originally posted by Frank L. Rosenthal:
Bluezplayer & Rikki, what changes do you make to the Yamaha styles so that using them with a GM Wavetable (SGM128) sounds good or excellent? Do you use the Drum conversion in OMB or M. Bedesem's programs?

best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022