You are not ahead of Frank, but you are way ahead of me. I'm going to take it slow.
Does you Clavinova have panel/lead voice, other then piano? Is the 200mb reason font better then SynergiGS?

Anyone who might know,
I have a minor problem with my Sounblaster Live card: I empty the card completely, nothing in either synth (A or B), and there are 10mb remaing on the card. I do cold boot of my computer and 10 megs remain. Both synths are empty. Thats a lot of nothing!!! It doesn't effect the operation of the card. Anyone have a clue what gives?

Last weekend the styles didn't sound "right" anymore. Sounded like some instruments were too loud and others gone. I switched from OMB to Live Styler and it was also the same. Tried other soundfonts and they had the same problem. I'm thinking it might be a hardware problem with my connectors. Will check it out this weekend. I hope its not the soundcard.
I just happened to land on a Canadian site that sells Native Instruments software and NI B4 is not that expensive. NI Express is very affordable, as AJ pointed out. Not sure how crippled NI Express is.
I play Roland EM20 and Yamaha PSR550