Originally posted by rikkisbears:
Hi Starkeeper,
how do you connect your Roland to your computer( usb?serial?midi) and what do you see with the midi in/out dropdown menu
ie sblive midiuart plus anything else??

May have found a way for you to listen to some larger fonts. Unfortunately will only work with midifiles. I'm going to use it for testing my sounds ie play a piano midifile & see which of the piano's sounds best etc etc ( by the way , I found a soundfont of my CLP170 Grand Piano sound, 120 mbs, ( free) sounds nearly as good as the real thing when played via my piano's sound system).

The program's called Synthfont (free, but you can donate) http://www.synthfont.com/
Simple as Open ( locate your midifile)
Then under "setup"
use "options"
Default Soundfont File
press the green icon and locate your soundfonts.
Then basically press play. It doesn't use your sblive card for playing the fonts, so you're not as restricted . It played my 200mb soundfont without any problems. ( I do have 512mb memory in my laptop, not sure what you've got?).
I've been checking out some other freebie software as well, may yet be able to find a way of connecting omb to fonts for free without a font compatible soundcard
(like sb live , audigy etc).
My setup's great as is, but it would be interesting to see if it could all be done for free ( except for omb, that is).

best wishes

p.s. I couldn't get your link to work
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Starkeeper:

1) I connect my Roland to the computer using MIDI cabels.
2) MIDI in, I believe has only 1 option, the SB card MIDI in port
3) MIDI out: SB live synth A, SB live synth B, Microsoft wave table, joystick port. I will have to check this weekend to see if there are others.
4) Where did you find the file that sounds like your Clavinova? Wow!! What a find.
5) Will check out "Synthfont"
6) I am not sure how much memory I have, but it is at least 512mb, will check this out this weekend.
7) My MIDI out ports looks very similar to this. http://www.1manband.nl/tutorials2/setting.htm
I put a period after it that's why it didn't work.

[This message has been edited by Starkeeper (edited 04-14-2005).]
I play Roland EM20 and Yamaha PSR550