Hey rikkisbears,
I started with 380 and a Christmas present put me up to 640. This is in a P3 700 running a SB PCI512 card. The cache increased as the memory did, it can use up to half of the installed memory. The only time I had a problem was when I was editing the SF, if I went to fast auditioning the sounds I BSOD in Win2000, a RARE occurrence for me on this system.

I used the AudioHQ that cam with the card until I switched to the kx Project drivers, and they load SF with no problems.

I also have been finding out that SF size don't matter. I am creating a new one for my next set of songs, using the SB 2meg one and ripping it apart. My better half bought me a 6 CD set of SF of ebay and I have not found one that totally sucks yet.

As for drum SF (a drummer of 30+ years here) the best ones I found that are free are, in order...

Gold Drums (rock, blues) a nice balanced set

ns_kit - I think a good general one

Rough Rider and Easy Rider - for a real raw, live sound, no toms tho!

I also like the ns_jbass, and a Yamaha Bright Piano that was on one of the cd's I have.

Please remember that this is MY ears talking, you might think they all stink!

For a listen to it visit one of these sites.....
http://www.mp3.com.au/TheJCSProject/ http://www.soundclick.com/thejcsproject

60% of the tracks are the SF loaded in the SB and using OMB 7.1 to play it. Keep up the great posts folks, and I really need to get a copy of that SFZ program and try to use it.

[This message has been edited by Smurf (edited 04-15-2005).]