I too would recommend ASIO4all, but also, try installing the KX drivers for the soundblaster series. http://kxproject.lugosoft.com/index.php?skip=1

As far as "finding" DaOrgan or any other vst, I keep all of my vst .dlls in a couple of folders, mainly because I have quite a few. Choose a folder to keep yours in, and then set your host app up so that it will scan that folder when you start it up.

I think I miss some of the channel 9 problems because I setup my Chainer presets up with SFZ+ and I have ch 9 already set up in SFZ to receive bank 128 data.

I have no problems with most of my styles and sgm 128. I think I modified the few Tyros styles I do use already when I first got them by using one of Michael's apps ( or maybe one of Jorgens ). I also use a few PSR9000 and 740 styles, but again, I think if I remember right I fixed those as well becaue I had some issues in XG works and a non XG module.

I use the KN7000 styles a lot btw, and quite a few PA80 and SD1 styles too, so perhaps this is another reason I am not having problems.


[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 03-23-2005).]