DNJ notice the lol and the

I was having you on m8
76 keys a must for me, internal CDRW for recording your own songs/albums to (that's providing there is a good mix down facility inside the machine, look at Yamaha's mixers with built in drives they are awesome) USB2 if USB is to be used again, no internal hard drive as it's nice to be able to purchase your own size rather than be told this is what you've got like it or lump it, maybe the ability to load VST's like the Wersi does (please make it work) although if there are more voices like the SA ones then who needs VST or Giga etc. and a nice big touch screen with loads of colours, quality of styles that are even better than the T2's, oh almost forgot a little fridge joined to it for storing my bottles of lager whilst I spend hours playing on it.