Hey, u guys stop stop!!! so many wishes so many dollars!!!!LOL.O please let me add if if something is left behind.

1 At least four separate buttons ( like registrations) for user defind mic settings.
(very important)

2 full sampler, ability to slice,change tempo without changing pitch.

3 Abiliti to load AKAI,GIGA etc.

4 At least two mic inputs.

5 Must be with built in speakers as we see on KORG Pa1x.

6 Improved harmonica,violin and piano.

7 LCD watchable in sun light.

8 More detailed editing in sequencer like Technics.

9 If possible, put lttle wave pads (like on fantom)on the panel.

10 As yamaha itroduced HD rec on Ty2,should be 8 tracks from now onward.

These are not "TEN COMMANDMENTS" just my wishes!!!!!!!LOL.