76 76 76 76 76 76 !!!!!!!!!!!!
Boy O Boy !!!!!!!!
There has been an awful lot said in this topic - Good stuff. There seems to be certain undeniable messages here - good solid messages from a gathering that knows its stuff and .... when Yami doesn't listen (to their own gathered fraternity) it means dollars (heaps of them)to their opposition all the way to the bank and a further erosion of the Yami fan club. Such a pity. Yes the 9000PRO is not a perfect k'board (is there such a beast? I don't think so). However I love to use it (professionally, it's robust and super reliable) - it is very predictable within its design boundaries. It performs well and still raises the praises from an admiring crowd (most of whom do not follow the latest and the greatest that technology has to offer. They just like to enjoy.) The message to Yami seems to be that they produced the 9000PRO and yes, because of its spec, it attracted its critics, but at the end of the day the k'board works and works well, kept within its limits (which for me, satisfies the vast majority of situations). Take what you have learned, what you now know and step out and produce a board that will stem the flow of "free" dollars into your opposition’s bank accounts. The opportunity is there and you have the "know how" and the experience to seize it and succeed. GO FOR IT. You won’t be disappointed. Neither will your (shrinking) fan club. Here endeth the lesson.