I will try to not repeat too much of what others have said. Many good suggestions have been listed. Mine are:

- 76 keys

- easier access to changing splits

- 76 keys

- PC software for configuring all aspects of the keyboard (most importantly registrations)

- 76 keys

- MP3 functionality

- 76 keys

- Hi/Low impedance combo jacks for input and outputs and 2nd mic jack

- 76 keys

- Left/Right connectors for flexible arm lamps

- 76 keys

- music stand that does not come apart into little connector pieces to lose. Also it needs to be closer to the player. I find it too far away to read and sometimes turn pages so I use a stand-alone music stand that allows me to place it right about the screen.

- 76 keys

- More SA voices. Specifically a good clarinet, Jazz guitar, Electric bass, and Acoustic bass. I find none of these sounds on my T2 to my liking.

- 76 keys

- ability to attach a USB computer keyboard for typing

- 76 keys

- modify display so longer names are displayed for registrations

- 76 keys

- lots of surprises

- 76 keys

- some people have posted about real-time chord sequencers.

- 76 keys

- ability to change the octaves of LH voice as easily as RH voices

- 76 keys

- 2 measure breaks

- 76 keys

- Ability for the browser to go to any web address, download files and open Zips and RAR files as many things we download are in those archive formats

- 76 keys

- built-in wired and wireless LAN adaptor. And if this becomes a LAN aware device, how about a midi/file access driver for the PC that works over the network so we can connect the T3 to the network and access it via a PC without needed to run another wire for the USB.

-76 keys

- Continue to enhance chord recongition engine so it can identify more jazz voicings, rootless voicings, and slash chord voicings.

- 76 keys

- real-time performance controls for variation of guitar strums (aka Roland) with some kind of foot control option

- 76 keys

- some kind of really smart AI engine that does real-time variations to drumming, comping, and strumming patterns.

- 76 keys

- half-pedaling for the sustain pedal

Oh, I almost forgot, how about 76 keys?

[This message has been edited by RobertG (edited 07-07-2006).]