Originally posted by JonPro:
One would hope that the rumors of its demise is a misquote or a poor interpretation of some statement, and that the G70 still has some life in the ol’ girl yet. I guess we can all be victims of the corporations if we choose to make that choice. At the end of day Ian, we live in hope.
It is nice to see a gentlemanly and concise response to this issue.
I merely added the bit about the G70 to illustrate that issues of non support for arrangers is not exclusive to one manufacturer...some people have such difficulty with the simplest of statements, but you seem to understand my motive quite well....thank you.
It would be a shame to see the G-series line end with the G70, and, even though Roland seems to have given up on it's support of the "ol' girl", it is still a nice keyboard.
It is also a darn shame that Yamaha will not put a 76 note keyboard on the next generation Tyros.
The PA-2Xpro, with its limited style fills, and the G70 with it's unfinished guitar mode and incomplete accompaniment system (it will not allow the basic ability to change chord recognition type without the Accompaniment parts being cut off) would be outclassed by even a 76 note Tyros2.
If Yamaha had stuck a 76 note keyboard on the S900, it would also have given these keyboards stiff competition.
I have never claimed that I know WHY Yamaha does what it does...those answers will never be revealed to a person of my modest position...but I do get news sometimes of WHAT will happen...and the Tyros3 will remain at 61 notes, no doubt to the delight of Korg and Roland, and the dismay of Yamaha aficionados.
It would probably greatly benefit the consumer if Yamaha were to produce a 76 key Tyros3, as competition generally forces other manufacturers to improve their products, but sadly Korg and Roland will continue on unchallenged with their limitations and unfixed OS issues.
On the subject of the PSR-9000 Pro...a friend of mine owns two of them, and wouldn't part with them for love nor money.
[This message has been edited by ianmcnll (edited 11-04-2007).]