Of course, side stepping the issue of the complete lack of a 76 choice from Yamaha, compared to nearly every other manufacturer, and trying to place attention on the fact that the G70 MIGHT (without a single word officially from anyone actually AT Roland) be the last G70, and MIGHT need a few last OS fixes or upgrades, WOULD be the response of someone that basically has NO answer to WHY Yamaha chose to take this path other than his own (and very close to solo) opinion that 'that's just the way it is, some things'll never change' mantra.
Of COURSE, no-one whines about the lack of new OS features and bugfixes (other than those that facilitate the marketing of online content from Yamaha), because they realize the utter futility of trying. The list of completely new features added to the G70's OS in the three years since it has been released should shame Yamaha owners (other than Ian, who sees no evil, hears no evil when it comes to his choice in arrangers) into realizing what poor after market support they do get.
But, for all of Ian's claims that only Yamaha can get it right, their arranger lines fly in the face of the ENTIRE keyboard industry, including the rest of their own divisions... Take a perfectly good sounding, very professional OS (let's face it, how few Yamaha users actually USE even a moderate percentage of all the advanced features on even an S700, yet alone an S900) and stick it in a toy 61 case and keyboard.
Even Yamaha's workstation division won't stoop THAT low... yet alone every other arranger manufacturer.
But trying to shunt the attention elsewhere doesn't fool anyone. Whether a G70 needs or doesn't need any MORE OS improvements has NOTHING whatsoever to do with whether Yamaha are too timid to go after a market segment dominated by other manufacturers after their first foray into it was such a poorly executed (you think the G70 had problems?!!

) fiasco.
Nice try no banana...
BTW if you care SO little, Ian, why the CONSTANT replies..? 'Methinks the lady doth protest too much'.