Originally posted by RobertG:
I know that George Kaye said Yamaha reps from Japan came to his store for input. Ultimately, we can dream and pontificate all we want but I don't think our posts have much sway in Japan. I hope I am 76 keys wrong.
I think you are right in that we don't hold much sway. But I think we hold a little. There have been changes and improvements that I believe are directly related to sites like this one. We told Yamaha about the 'cheesiness' of their key feel on their mid-range Boards and they have actually improved things a bit with the PSR 3000. And although the Tyros' key feel in my opinion is quite acceptable, especially when compared to a PSR 2000 etc., Yamaha has made inroads with the Tyros2' keybed in that it is more suited for 'piano' playing with a little stiffer feel and action. Although I have to admit that if you have primarily an Organist background then the original Tyros' keybed may actually suit you better.
But the point is Yamaha is trying to change their image of toyish cheesiness that is often associated with their Arranger keybeds (and keyboards) to more of one of professionalism and I commend them for that. I think another reason they are improving their keybed action is because of the competition like the Korg Pa1XPRO and the Roland G70, etc. If they fall behind the competition in important areas then they will start to lose marketshare. And I don't think they want to do that.

Another thing they listened to was people's request for a Sampler on the Tyros2. Although, as we know, the Tyros2's Sampler is not a real Sampler but only a Sample 'player'. There is no editing of Samples or other intricate Sampler features like there is on, for example, the Motif ES' 'real' Sampler. But it is a start nonetheless.
The Music Finder has been improved on the T2, no doubt from input they read from the Synthzone or other Arranger sites scattered around the internet. BUT this is a case where we didn't get our full wishes realized (same with the Sampler) since the T2's Music Finder still doesn't do some of the things that people asked Yamaha to implement for it. Hopefully with the T3 they will get it right. Although Yamaha through an OS update could add the missing features if they wanted to. My guess is that they will wait for the T3 (or T4, etc.) instead of providing it through an OS update because that way they will get more T2 owners and others who want the latest greatest to upgrade to a T3/T4 which is more money to line their (Yamaha's) pockets. OS updates use up R&D financial resources and is in my opinion why Yamaha seems to be so meager when it comes to supporting their Keyboard products. They don't want to spend the time and money to further enhance their products beyond what is absolutely necessary e.g. "bugs" etc., and instead relegate enhancements and other improvements to the next model. In fact all the incremental improvements from one model to the next are all ways that a manufacturer uses to entice people to upgrade and buy their 'newest' creation. Everybody knows they do that. It's all about marketing and money unfortunately. With some companies the customer is way down on the rung when it comes to the order of importance. They put the "carrot in front of you" hoping to keep you interested and loyal to their product line, offering just enough of what it takes to do so but in many instances don't lift a finger beyond that.
I know I'm digressing here a bit but the gist of the matter is manufacturers HAVE and DO listen to the public's input and suggestions. If they didn't do so, at least to an extent, they would lose touch with the very people with whom they are trying to reach to buy their products. If they lose touch then they would obviously over time lose marketshare and of course the revenue that goes along with it. And that could spell disaster to a companies very survival. If they don't try and satisfy their customer's needs they must know that there is someone out there who will. To not do so would be like rolling dice; a risk that no reputable company intent on surviving and thriving should consider taking in my opinion.
Best regards,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 07-09-2006).]