I expect the Tyros 3 is past the prototype stage but just in case - i would like to see some of the things that have been added to the tyros 2 like theatre organ samples (like those offered by total transformation) may be SA blackpool tower wurlitzer theatre organ presets also some set ups for single manual and bass pedals like on regi stick plus .

Also like the Tyros 2 cousin the PSR-S900 i hope they include a USB wave file recorder (or pref mp3). Plus loads more Music Finder - perhaps more interaction with Tyros users so they can contribute Music finder files online for instant download on the net. The music finder (or equivalent on all flag ship keyboards) can really sell the instrument the more comprehensive he better.

I have a G70 but can't see any reason to change at the moment the E80 is pretty good , as is the PA800 but nothing has really beaten the G70/Tyros 2 in the last 2 years as far as i can see.

The same wish list as above goes for the next Roland glagship (G80) plus with this add sampling capabilibity would be good.
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