How silly of Ketron to ignore the USB 2.0 question for sooooooooooo long and we find it out through the grapevine from a 3rd party that the Audya does indeed have it!?!?!?!?! They answered most of everything else we asked them about the Audya, so why were they so stubbornly "mute" concerning USB 2.0?? Doesn't make sense, common or otherwise.

3,399.00 GBP = 4,956.58 USD >> $900.00 knocked off so far... That's a start. Keep 'em coming Ketron..

Yes, times are tough as we all know. Not only is the U.S. economy in shambles, the whole wide world's economies are in shambles as well. Depending on how well the Audya sells initially will be a big indicator on how willing Ketron will be in reducing the Audya's pricing even further. If the Audya sells fairly well at 5 Grand then we probably won't see any more discounts in the future until possibly Audaya2 comes out. If the Audya falters because of the economy Ketron might have to act boldly and reduce the Audya's price dramatically for people to be willing to open up their wallets. Considering every other totl arranger currently on the market is at least a $1,000 less than the Audya, Ketron is fighting an uphill battle to be sure. Time will tell..

Now that Ketron has gotten their act together and they have implemented the Audya technology correctly (hopefully anyway ) version 2 of the Audya could make it to market much sooner than it took to bring this Audya to market. And also, less R&D would be needed on Audya2, therefore it should be able to come in at a much lower initial price point. So if people aren't able to afford this Audya, in two or so years you may indeed be able to afford Audya2, especially if the world economy is bustling once again. Plus Audya2 will likely have 256 note polyphony plus around 1GB of WAV ROM and with a Sampler you can actually sink your teeth into with a RAM capacity of up to 2GB. [img][/img] And with an initial price point of around $1,000 less than this Audya comes in at, it may well be worth the wait. [img][/img] Speculation of course.. but that is the way I anticipate it happening anyway. Time will tell.. [img][/img]

All the best,
Yamaha Genos, Mackie HR824 MKII Studio Monitors, Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro Mixer (made in USA), Cakewalk Sonar Platinum, Shure SM58 vocal mic.