Hello Again.

About USB , i read in the site of KETRON SPAIN , http://www.ketron.es/ketron.htm , that the AUDYA as 3 USB 2.0 ports.

But yesterday i test transfer files from my Portable Pc to the AUDYA and now im not so sure about that , its a litle slow to a 2.0 USB port.

About the chord recognition , i test playing some Cap Verdian "Morna" styles with the "Live Guitars" and chords like 6ª , 7ª+ , 9ª & 13ª are correctly played.
If you want , tomorrow i can record a video with the chords you want and share with you.

I made some photos that i put in my blog , and tomorrow i gone upload a video with some musicians from Lisbon testing the Audya.

You can see at www.ketronaudya.wordpress.com
Its in Portuguese language , but you can see the photos and the videos.

The Audya i test is the demonstration version , only in the 3rd week of January is for sale in Portugal.
The price for Portugal is 4380 Eur with taxes ( 20%) , but all the shops will sell about 4100 EUR to 4200 EUR With Tax.

Here , in the FCMUSICA shop , all musicians that test the Audya , made the reservations to buy in january.
And are musicians with SD1 or SD5 from Ketron , and other with Korg Pa2x or Pa800.

Here in Portugal AUDYA will sell very well.
We play here lots of LATIN Styles , Traditional Portuguese music that had Latin origins , fado , Brasilian Styles and African Styles from ANGOLA , CAp VERT , MOZAMBIQUE , GUINÉ , like morna , Kizomba , Zouk , funana , makossa , etc.
For Portuguese musicians , Audya will be a sucess.

Sorry about my "bad english"
Happy New Year to all of you.

One video i upload is now avaible.
is my friend Pedro Teixeira , a Piano bar & Hotel musician yesterday testing for the first time the Audya. http://www.vimeo.com/2655162

The sound was recorded direct from audya , with no Eq. , to my portable pc with a Usb Berhinger connector.