Hi Diki,
I was refferring to purely midi notes nothing to do with the audio loops.
On my SD1+ I can't edit user style notes.
If my EMC does a bad job of converting notes to sd1 format, there's no way of editing the notes or controllers onboard.
I use a lot of converted styles or style tracks from converted styles, I'm hopeless at trying to record anything from scratch. haahaa
On my korg I have the option of event list editing a wrong note onboard or exporting the style as a midifile , fixing it in a pc sequencer, then importing it back into the Korg. Thanks to the os2 upgrade, the style can now be imported & exported as a whole using markers ( similar to psr method) instead of having to import & export as individual midi style parts.
I was hoping to find out if they've changed anything much as far as style editing functions go.
May save me a divorce if they haven't . haahaa. May be stretching my luck if I decide I want one of these.
best wishes
best wishes
Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022