Well, bottom line about editing 'live loop' parts is... you can't!
They are recordings, pure and simple, albeit sliced up so that they can tempo sync. So forget about changing the snare drum sound, or repositioning it (that will reposition every other drum sound - hi-hats, cymbals, tomtoms, etc. - that occur on the same beat. I don't know how many of you have involved yourselves with loop creation, editing and the like, but if you haven't, I suggest you try doing it on a laptop or computer first before you plonk down mucho dinero for the Audya.
You may be disappointed to find out how little you can get away with editing audio loops. All well and good if what is in the ROM works for you, but after a year or two, who amongst us doesn't yearn for more variety, more styles, a change of pace? Editing a MIDI style is a piece of cake compared to re-vamping an audio loop. And loop construction kits, probably what you are thinking of using to add to your styles, although they MAY have enough variations and fills for your needs, rarely EVER have Intro or Ending drumming, and even if there is, it's a 'take it or leave it' thing, you can't design your own...
I still honestly believe that the realism of MIDI drum libraries like BFD and EZ Drummer demonstrate that you DON'T have to go to audio loops, with their dearth of editing possibilities, to get drum parts that are utterly convincing as 'live' drumming.
While you gain an immediately good live sound, you give up pretty near ALL opportunity to edit the style the way YOU need it. For the ROM only style users, this may not matter. But to anyone that edits their own styles, or creates their own styles, this technology really restricts your options...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!