I listened to the first demo and could not understand what all the fuss was about .It soundeed just like any other top of the range arranger keyboard. The styles were pretty ordinary to me.
However the second video caught me off gaurd as some of the nuances in the bass guitar on the second demo were truly magnificent but there was nothing like that detail in the first demo using more conventional styles. the quality of the style programing seemed nice but no better than what i hear on conventional arrangers even though there were just flashes of brilliance hear and there. This leads me to ask the question how many styles will actually use real audio samples on the audya ? Does anyone know ? and how well does the real audio sampled loops mix with their midi programmed tracks because it seemed obvious to me which tracks in the style used audio and which were midi. Thats not good.
Also does the audya have anything like yamahas SA or korgs DNC ? Listening to that rock guitar solo in the second Clip was really disappointing and sounded very obvioulsy like someone trying to play guitar on a keyboard. Or the trumpet on the third video which had no expression nomatter where you played it on the keyboard or what velocity it was played at. When compared to yamahas SA guitars and trumpets and saxes and Korgs DNC electric guitars etc the Audya did not compare favourably.
If i knew nothing about the Audya and had to judge just from these demos i would say this was a great keyboard up there with the Tyros and Korg PA series but not better. If i had to pay nearly a third extra for the Audya compared to the other totl arrangers i think that i would have serious reservations about this purchase. Obviously i havent heard the instrument in person but no manufacturer would put up any demos unless they wanted their customers to get a flavour of what the instrument can do. I like what i hear but its no as good as i was expecting to hear and from the time this product was first rumoured to be made i had very high hopes. Perhaps too high.