I am still astounded about the importance given to the USB speed, which has no impact on live performance whatsoever, especially given that most samplers and arrangers cannot load samples at even USB1's speed.
There are still many unanswered questions of a MUSICAL nature that frothing at the mouth over so unimportant a spec bewilders me... (still no word about which chord types the live guitar loops will recognize, and what happens when you play a type it DOESN'T.... AJ? Any info?

I do, however, feel it FAR more important that the Audya's sampler is restricted to a paltry 64MB, especially as it's competition easily tops out at 512MB or even a GB. Admittedly, those specs are virtually useless, as load times for maxed out sample sets would be close to an hour

, but given that we ASSUME (it's not clear by any means, yet) that the sampler could load up at the same streaming speeds that the live loops are going to use, it's INSANE to limit the sampler RAM to such a 20th century limit.
You want to go ballistic? Go ballistic about this. This WILL make a huge difference, which USB2 won't...