Still having a problem with the word "NO", Diki?

Yamaha competes very successfully with Casio in the entry to mid level 76/88 note piano based arranger market.

They aren't interested in a small piece of the small pie that is the 76 note TOTL arranger market.

Trying to please everyone is bad business...very basic stuff you would know, if you actually understood rudimentary marketing.

But since you can't even comprehend the meaning of a simple word like "NO", it can't be expected you'd ever be able to grasp simple marketing savvy.

Stick to things you know, and stop wasting time trying to badger, guilt-trip, and shame a huge successful company into doing what you, an ordinary musician with obviously no marketing skills, thinks they should be doing, and get that ego down to a manageable level.

You'll feel a lot more peaceful.

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.