Originally posted by Diki:
It has NOTHING to do with what the customer wants. we are the LAST thing on their minds. It is all about internal divisional rivalry, pure and simple.
Wrong again.
It has EVERYTHING to do with what the customers want...the majority want 61 keys...there are not enough indicated in extensive surveys to warrant a 76'er.
The DGX instruments are pianos with some arranger features...they are meant to compete with Casio. They do very well at what they are designed for, which is primarily, a home digital piano with some goodies.
No divisional rivalry...that's long gone by the wayside, and only was really happening way, way back with the CVP Clavinova and the Electone division, an odd pair of combatants, but true nevertheless.
That was settled long ago.
The arranger division and the pro workstation division have been working together quite nicely ever since the days of the PSR-8000/9000/9000Pro, and even more so with the introduction of the Tyros arrangers.
So, don't give yourself another breakdown, and just feel confident that every thing is hunky dory.
No more conflicts, except for the ones
you are inventing.
You do a lot of that on SZ...why?
Unhappy with yourself?
What's really amusing, is that you (and Genny) believe you are smarter at marketing than a whole team of well chosen and highly educated experts, many of which are pro musicians. They aren't just "suits"...they know the industry from many angles.
Get those big egos down to a manageable size, guys...I'd hate to have to buy hats for both of you...the amount of material alone would be outrageous, to fit over those swelled heads.

And look up the word "NO" in your little dictionaries...you haven't grasped the meaning at all.