This morning at 8 a.m. the snow was coming down hard, but by 11 it stopped and changed to sleet. The driveway, which is 300 feet long and up a steep hill to the road was covered with a new layer of 3 inches of wet, slippery, sloppy snow. Just enough to make the roads slippery and too damned dangerous to drive on. Another job lost, but fortunately, rescheduled for later in the week. Now, the 3 inches that fell during the night was on top of the 12 inches we got Sunday - sure makes for a lot of work for an old codger.

Those of you that use a snow blower every winter know what a wet, sloppy snow does - plugs the discharge chute like a frozen cork. Consequently, you spend a lot of time unplugging the chute so you can finish the arduous task before the temperature begins to fall and everything turns to a cake of ice.

The only problem about driving in snow in this part of the world is that if there is any snow at all, the schools close. When that happens, all the high school kids with 4-wheel drive Jeeps hit the snow covered roads to have fun while driving like nut cases. They think it's neat to go busting down the road until they loose control and run into a recently harvested cornfield. "Hey, I have 4-wheel drive - I can drive under any conditions." Yeah - Right!

I was broadsided by one of these individuals several years ago - my cost, $15,000 and the loss of a half-dozen jobs. Yes, I'm fully insured, but as anyone that has been involved in an accident knows, you only get book value for your vehicle - not replacement value. My van was 10 years old, in great shape, and probably would have lasted another 5 years if this idiot kid hadn't nailed me while playing in the snow. So, the insurance company paid me $1,200 for my old van, and I had to purchase a new one, that cost $16,000.

So, my policy is as stated in the past and clearly spelled out in my contract that I send out annually - freezing rain or snow at either end means I'm not gonna go. It's just not worth it.

Yeah, I know there are folks that claim they love the change of seasons and all that stuff, but for me, the only thing white I want to see during the dead of winter is that sugar white sand on the beaches of the Florida Keys. Some white, puffy clouds in a clear, blue sky are OK, too. The only ice I want to see is just enough to keep my Margaretta chilled to 32 degrees and situated in a 12-ounce glass with a little salt around the rim. OH YEAH!

Maybe we can get a Winter Synthzone Jam set up for Marathon Key, Florida for 2015 - sure would be nice.


Gary cool
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)