I'm taking my time. Yesterday was mostly spent auditioning styles, finding some I was missing, saving Favorite Sounds, and updating some of my old Performances.
The dual display isn't that bad. Editing and saving things is pretty easy, even directly on the keyboard. I don't much like all the distorted Rock guitar sounds on the Rock Styles, so I'm changing some of those sounds, or just taking them out. Easy enough. Just adjust and save to Performance.
Haven't hooked up the Ipad yet because I need the cable.
Regarding the vocal processing. It has high and low e.q. and a preset reverb that is only adjustable in level. Sounds pretty good. Nothing fancy, but fine for an hour nursing home job. I will use Harmony M with it most of the time.
The sound is good out of the box. I played with the overall compression and e.q. a little, but didn't change much.
I have played it through the Nano. My friend DickieT came over yesterday to see the keyboard and he was totally impressed . . . with the Nano. smile Oh, and he liked the BK9 too, but it would be way too big a change for him after years and years of Yammies.
He wanted to trade his Tyros 4 for my Korg though. Out of the question of course!
As to operating live, that's about all I've done. The FC7 pedal board is great and there are lots of functions that can be assigned to it, depending on your preferences. Also my Yamaha sustain, footswitch and volume pedals all work fine if needed.
The Chord Sequencer is seamless and easy to use!
I have three more weeks to decide if I will keep the BK9, but I think I will at this point. At any rate, the Korg goes to Houston tomorrow, on its way to Hidalgo, Mexico to mi amigo there.
I have about decided to drive it to Houston and visit Don Patterson on the way in Lufkin. Houston is about 3 1/2 hours so I can drive for about the same price as shipping it. Mini-vacation.
Overall, I can work easily with the BK9. Do I expect to keep it ten years. That would be highly unlikely, but I'm sure it would last through the end of my career if needed. Just another toy/ I mean TOOL.
Best points as of now: Sounds, especially drums, pianos, acoustic guitars, ORGANS and bass. Chord sequencer. Footswitch to toggle between Upper One and Upper Two sounds. Favorite Banks (wish they would store custom effects though). Ease of operation, especially in auditioning new styles. (With Korg, everything must be loaded into User area of the keyboard, no auditioning straight from USB.)
So far so good!