Ian, yes it is quite easy. And you can change the OTS settings without saving them.
You can set up a Favorites Bank of nine of your best sounds and call any of them up with one button. Also I have assign a foot switch to toggle between Upper one and Upper two sounds.
The Favorites work the same way if you have Performance list pulled up. One touch instant recall for you favorite 9 performances. After that you can scroll, or push Numeric button and then enter the number for the sound, style or performance, depending on which page is open on the right-hand display.
Very neat!
The real time controls are way better than I thought they would be.
What I'm fighting is changing the way I like to do things. I am very please with the sounds, styles and operation. It's a great keyboard. May or may not be the best fit for me at this time, but I'm going to give it a thorough chance to be!
At this point, I must have, in addition to the BK9, a laptop, a Harmonizer, and FC7, a volume pedal, a Sustain pedal, a Control pedal, and another pedal for the Harmonizer. Plus all these things need room to plug in wall warts and cables to connect everything.
I am a little spoiled by the PA3X. ALL self-contained with only the EC5 pedal board (three pounds, I'm guessing.)
But that's not comparing apples to apples, there is a $2,000. difference in price!
I'm having fun doing this. So far.