Originally Posted By: Dnj

Don maybe the KORG PA900 is a MUCH Better fit ALL AROUND for Your needs? Light, VH, Big display lyrics etc,...just sayin' wink

I LOVE mine ... keys
... and I used it on a gig for the first time last night ... played a dinner dance at a local CC - 225 people - played with my loooong time friend Frank - the sax player from the band we had in NY ... I think the last time we played together was about 5-6 years ago and it could have been yesterday (which come to think of it, IT WAS - laugh2 ) ... but he is SUCH a good musician - has loved and played jazz since he was about 13 years old - and he has such a good ear that he was able to play even the songs we had never played together before ... many, many compliments from the audience ... I LOVE playing with other musicians !!! ...
and before Donny even asks, regretfully I didn't record anything - didn't even get to take pictures this time ... mad

Originally Posted By: travlin'easy
And guess what, neither does most people - other than YOU. The last time I used an organ voice was when I played Green Onions and that was 10 years ago. So lets hear some demos by YOU that highlight all those features YOU use.
Gary cool

Gary ... I might have to disagree with you on this one ... I would think - and HOPE - that more players are using the sounds and features of their KBs ... perhaps not as much as Diki, but using them ...
I am also somewhat surprised at your comment about the organ sounds, as I probably have an organ voice set as an STS on half of my custom styles on the KORG and use them on all my gigs at some point or another ... I used them on a good number of songs last night both as back-up to the sax player and on my own solos ... and Frank even commented about how good the organ sounds were ...
t. cool