There are some parameters in the SuperNatural edit section (hold the User Tone/SuperNatural button down). One of them is Bend Mode. Set it to OFF, now the sound bends normally.

Sadly, the gliss behavior is default, so call the Tone up from Favorites or the front panel, it is going to revert to that behavior (and that parameter is not too quick to get to, there's no way to assign it to any SW or the FC-7). Most of the wind and brass sounds default to something other than a bend. A mistake, IMHO...

But make a Performance that calls it, you can store the Bend parameter.

On the whole, although not bad, the SN winds and brass need refining. My favorite is the trumpet, which if you bend it only a VERY little amount, starts to growl quite nicely. But the glissing is all wrong. Too big a range... Might have been OK if the first bit of the bender actually bent, and then it turned into lip gliss behavior for wider moves. But no!

One or the other.

Thanks for the shout out, BTW. I should get some new stuff up there. I guess you are only as good as your LAST demo, 'round here, LOL
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!