Originally Posted By: Bill Lewis
Originally Posted By: DonM
If I were to decide against the BK9, it would be for these reasons alone:
1. No text display
2. No Vocal Harmonizer
These two things make it necessary to carry and hook up more peripheral gear.
3. That's about it actually. You can make it do about anything you like with a little work and ingenuity. For example, I'm looking at workarounds for lack of break/fill, and there are some.

Wouldn't the additon of an Ipad solve those problems.? I really believe it was Rolands intention that the two be used together to expand the BK9's capabilities. As its stands alone its fine but to push the capabilities add the IPad. And Fran mentioned an IPAD Harmony App coming so your there.

Ipad is not really multi tasking, so you either have text display or vocal harmony...

Unless Roland puts everything in a single app...

But i totally agree, that Roland intended the use of a BK9 with an ipad... This way they kept the instrument atleast €400 cheeper.... Good call i would say, one advise however, if you intend people to use your arranger with an ipad, integrate a stand for it.
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
