Originally posted by domenik:
For Roel..
Is better that we don't talk what the SD1 can stretching or we must cry...they use the old dream 64 Voice for the GM sounds and audio pitch...we have the Dream 128 Voice but only for the GM sounds..because for the remain stuff...better to foget all...
About for more Video, when Bernd come here we will make some new video, just to make more you there crazy...
who been in the Musikmesse, saw all how the MS had worked and about the sound quality, all the ppl there was schoked...everybody with the mouth closed. The video in the web is the probe and IF someone have to say some, we are here to make the coparision when they want.
But how you see here too...nobody have the corauge to reply and say some...all they are scared of the reality that so one small company can do that.....and ALL they are my friends...I'm work in this company Lionstracs now from 10 years...

i just posted some new synth sounds...just for hear some sounds....don't look how I had played...are only examples ( better than nothing)

For: to the genesys
true, i will try to make some new video with a normally guy that can not play so well but that you can see there HOW easy is to use the Mediastation.

About the sounds..please....do NOT insist to asking the sound quality...please...
IF the NI B4 is not enough, you have installed more 70 free VST, synths, effects... you are allowed to LOAD any type of GIGA library, Bosendorfer 290, 1.9Gb data, Stainway...all wht you like...do you waant tell me that all the others sounds company sell shitty GIGA sounds?? Then you have only to change it...load all what you want.

We give you there all the freedom to load, play all the sounds, media, video that you like..is not enough?
If not, then continue to buy the embedded keyboards, I dont know what I must to do better.
let me see what the other can do.
anyway, thanks again


If you have really been able to accomplish this, Bless you. I hope you have a winner on your hands. I believe that the one that can program the best version of this type of product will be the answer many of us have been looking for and that know longer want to be chained to the same old companies that think they know best what our instruments should sound like.

Good luck,
