in reply to spalding...YES YES YES, totally 120%agree with you...if we could just actually hear sounds rather than hyperbole, it would go a long way to helping us buy one of these..i too am so sick and tired (hey!theres a good line for a lyric!!!lol) of 'board manufacturers espousing the "latest thing" when it is just the latest "reworking" with mebbe some DSP EFX thrown in of a 5 or 10 year old synths and samplers ARE the cutting edge and have shown more innovation and improvement in the past year than most of the hardware boys in the past ten years.
And that goes for ALL hardware manufacturers..even the so called OASYS..its just re-working (in some of its operations) of synth stuff we were doing in 1986, its just flashed up a lot more....So come on Lionstracs give us some meat and less gravy!!

peace, out