Well for what its worth , i like what i am hearing from the mediastaion. Its hard to tell the true sound quality from the hand held cam mic but even through this, it sounds very good.

Domenic although the audio tracks sound very good it is hard to tell what sounds are coming from the keyboard and what sounds are coming from the audio track. Its almost like a kareoke type function and whilst might be great fun and can be of great benefit for set performances it does not illustrate how versaite the instrument is on the fly. But there is no doubt in my mind that it sounds very promising.

The drums sound a little thin though and lack any real punch or definition. Again it could be just down to the way it has been recorded through the Cam mic.

The jazz demo is excellent and you play very well!! Sounds like a live band for real!!Again though if thats just an audio file it limits where you can take a song and thats why i want to see what the arranger function can do and how accurately it follows chords.

Just listened to the arranger r/b organ video. You are playing your socks off and the organ sounds great but the backing sounds very GM sounding.Tis is a weakness. Are the samples that you use for example the bosendorfer etc accessible for the sounds used on the arranger backing function as they dont sound the same. Overall like i said this sounds very promising