Well...here in the Net, you can find and download Milions of MP3, Midifiles, styles, songs text, labels....copyright there?

Yes there is.
The original songs are the copyright of the author, and all midi files hosted for free on the net are hosted are illegal in one way or another.

If you didn’t write the original song, then you cannot post it on the net in any format unless you pay royalties or have permission for the original author of the song.

This not only applies to midi files, it also applies to Styles.

The problem is different: for your personal OWN use, you can download it and make what you want, Nobody can say Nothing with your personal stuff.

Not true. The copyright remains.
All that chances is that nobody knows your breaking the law if you play they data back privately at home. However, since this is a musical instrument you intend on using the styles in, which will be played in public. Then your back to square one again. It’s all illegal.

1) Midifiles/styles: You at home, you can download it, open it, EDIT it, Rework it and SAVE it HOW you like. Nobody can say: YOU CAN NOT! You have the freedom to do all what you want

No matter what you do to the files, they remain the copyright of the original author. That’s standard copyright law.

4) you can take one original midi or styles file, EDIT/REWORK it, change all the Programm/variation/Volume/Note and tuning for the Mediastation. For this you are ALLOWED because then you get a different file.

I’ll give you an example of how wrong that is.

Lets say Madonna releases a new CD. If I convert that to Mp3 file, then according to you it’s now my data and I can sell it or give it away for free.

See my point ?. Converting data from one format to another is not a loophole in the system. You still don’t in anyway have any right to the material you converted. Uploading it would be totally illegal.

If i'm wrong, mean that all the others Linux user are in the wrong way and Illegally too.. like IBM, Yamaha, Korg....
all they use Linux Open Source too..

I’m sorry but now that In fully understand what your talking about, you are indeed very wrong. Midi Files and Styles hosted on the Net for free or pay for download are not open source. TO convert the data to another format also does not make it you own in anyway. This not only applies to midi files, styles and other types of performances. It also applies to actual sounds. For example… it would be totally illegal for me to buy a Piano sound in AKAI format, modify it, then convert it to a different format with the intent of offering it as a free download, or a pay for download.

The original material would have never been mine to begin with, so therefore it would be totally illegal for me to do anything at all with it.

The only way I can see you being allowed to do what you are asking here is if you get someone to actually write 200 original styles for start to finish.

Kind Regards.