It seems to me that domenik needs two things - a good lawyer (to explain copyright law as it exists in the US and Europe - he has a good chance of losing his company if he practices what he preaches) and a professional PR man to repair the damage his blowhard ranting has done to his company's reputation. If it is true (and after reading his postings it IS hard to make out the truth from the hyperbole) that he is shipping 400 units a year, these are things that his company can afford (along with better videos and mp3's - come on, now, if you can design a keyboard, you should be able to figure out how to convert high-res audio to a quality mp3!!).
If anybody else from domenik's company is reading this forum - PLEASE, for your own good, lock him back in the lab and put a professional in charge of your PR!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!