Ho All,
Yesterday I went again and tried the three boards, the KN2400/2600 the PSR2100 and the Korg PA-60.

the Yahama PSR2100 its out of the race the first impressions I had, were just confirmed. The look and feel of the keyboard is not convincing either, at least to my ears.
The only great feature I'll miss is the Vocal Harmonizer... but that is not the main reason why I'm buying an arranger. (however I must admit its a really nice one )

The KN-2400 and KN2600 sounds nice. Number of styles are a lot (more than the PSR and the PA-60) but on all thoise styles only a few are very interesting. I mean, they seem to be almost the replica of my old KN-3000, so don't add any new aspect to my ideas.

However, the fact that I can read and play no problem the Kn-3000 songs that I have, it's a plus.

The Korg... I found it superior to the other two in a few aspects. Mainly the sounds and arrangements are more interesting to me. And I know this is a personal feeling, but overall it sounds more "Pro" then the other two. The keys of the keyboard feel also better under my hands. Even if the KN's are as good as the PA=60.

To tell you the truth, I am not convinced like 100% yet. yes, the korg is great, but not as great as I wanted to be.
But looks like there is no other alternative riht now, at least not in the same range of price.

Please.......... tell me what to do

