Yesterday Fran & I & my lovely wife went to breakfast & then aftewards decided to visit two of the biggest Music chain stores in the country to see whats new in KB's, whats hot, and demo a few different KB's & my dissapointment they had a very very little selection of arrangers other then LOWEND Yamaha, Casio, & one PA50....THATS IT!!!!

all other were workstaions like the Fanthom, Triton, Motif, etc etc and a few electric pianos, nothing NEW....& forget about seeing or playing anything we talk about on here like the Tyros, 3k, PAX, G70, SD-1, Genesys, just seems other then the internet it has become a lost art form to find & try an arranger KB....on top of that even if you bought a workstation with all the fancy appegiators, sampling, loops, etc, etc, you have to be a scientist to learn how to operate one besides being a good as I played some of these workstations they really seem to be all geared to hip hop, jazzy, new age, alternative type rythyms & sounds, & how you learn how to use this technology is way beyond the MANUAL.........seems like Arranger style playing is taking a backseat to creating your own SMF files in the future.....Ive been playing all my life and have seen many changes thrui the years but I have a bad feeling about what is happening in regards to
arragner KB playing in the future performing swing, foxtrot, chacha, rumba, polka, waltz, rock, disco, ballads,etc etc in the way we are used to in the coming is changing fast, & so is the gear we use to make music......I guess you have to settle with what we have OR start embracing new technology in the way you play & the way you operate your instrument.....this visit was a wake up call for me........

get ready my friends, "ITS COMING & GOING FAST" go to the biggest music store in your area and see what I mean, it's sad!!
[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 03-25-2006).]