i believe that the G70 uses fantom sound chips, tyros uses motif sound chips, korg uses triton sound chips, and genesys uses, well genesys sound chips...the manufacturers do not create different chip sets for workstations-v-arrangers, they are the same sounds, with different names(the same actually on some) and are eq'd and effected slightly differently to fit in with a "full band" soundscape..in fact you have pretty much the FULL sound edting capabilities on the PA1X, i think the Genesys can too, but Yammi and Roland have a more limited "Synth" editing capability...in truth,most of the arranger boards, could really be more correctly called workstations as they can do everything..in the case of the korg you have solo synth, sound creation/editing; arranger;sampler;sequencer; recorder (mp3); and just add wav audio recording for the gensys (and dave can correct me) but it also does all of the above, the roland does the same as does the yamaha and the ketrons too..so ALL of us arranger keyboard owners have the TRUE workstations in my opinion...
almost forgot, you also have apreggiators on the arrangers as well with their "pads", playing musical phrases and riffs at the touch of a button, and these can be user edited and recorded as well!!

[This message has been edited by miden (edited 03-26-2006).]