great post ......your not alone in your thinking my friend!! You really have to do your homework & research before you buy a piece of gear these days......with "very few exceptions" eg: George Kaye, Dan O, AJ, I can sadly say that the stores are absolutley no help what so ever to the uninformed buyer.......people are getting ripped off every day .......I've had people come up to me on stage and say " I just bought a Yamaha psr 3000, got a good deal $2795.00 it was the last one they had in the store, plus I get lifetime lessons too" the mark up is unbelievable, then 6 month later the same salesmen talks the same customers into a new $20,000+ organ which they'll never play or learn how to use...which usualy after they pass away the wife or husband will donate it to the church or clubhouse with a nice plaque with his name on it "In Memory Of Joe Blow" etc, etc, Roland G70 ? yea, try to find one of those in your local store......but in home organ stores they are ballooning the price of them to levels unkown to mankind !!!
makes me sick to hear this crap...
It's buyer beware my friends!!

[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 03-27-2006).]