I want to thank everyone for your inputs on this topic........

I cant see why they can't incorporate arranger styles & features within these great sounding workstations such as the Fantom, Motif, Triton etc ....many times I'll be in a store plaing a synth workstation and saying to myself " man if this thing only had some styles too "
its all about making music, or is it their way of making the consumer always wanting more but never can get it?
If you noticed compared to years ago new models are coming out less and less that says something right there, then if at all when they finaly come available they just make a few little upgrades, add a sound here and there, and above all most of the time never listen to what amature/profesional cutomers really look for or need but nothing groundbreaking exept the price....!!!! The next ten years is gonna be a big reassesment of things to come in music gear.....hop on the bus OR buy backups of what you love now ;(