Devil's Advocate time...

As a former MI[musical instrument dealer], I have respect for the operation of Home Piano store dealers[the honest ones]..
They up hold a pricing margin that assures a successful business..

When I started out, I worked for a Hammond organ dealer....They did not give the store away, but with their higher than MI store pricing, they offered concerts, classes, even get togethers[seniors were a large part of sales].

There is a considerable overhead for storefront Music Retail stores..

I believe if the Home Piano stores stay at /or slightly discounted from factory retail prices, and offer the other benefits in the fore-mentioned,,,they are not ripping off their customers...People can still shop and make deals...It is just a case of the mentality of doing business that these dealers will pass and not give the store away..

In the MI business, the return is so poor for many small dealers that they can not sustain or maintain their business..
I can recall many times my competitors selling a keyboard[$1,800 dealer cost] for $1,850......Do the math...less than 3% mark.

My "Keep the doors open" average was 13%...
Recalling the number of small dealers the last 25 years that I knew...more than 90% are gone[including the cut throat dealers].

I use to think "How can these Home Piano stores justify selling at list prices"...the answer I now know...To stay in business and be successful...

Give a good product, service and customer activities...and the Retail price is legitimate..

When you have local dealers that are discounting to you and giving you valuable them..forget On Line dealers....You will always be ahead of the game, service and future purchases will be assured, when you support your local guy[even if it cost you more dollars]..