Originally posted by Dnj:
Im still waiting for someone to make a flexible interchangable feature arranger / workstation KB.....that you could buy/add/remove modules for different purposes AS NEEDED.....eg: CD rec/Mp3/Voc Harmony/Sound boards/Sampling/ etc....this would make each unit "YOUR OWN" & mix and match components, removing modules to lighten up the rig for gigging, plug in modules in a studio for recording, editing etc...plus if they KEEP making different modules for MANY different purposes you wouldnt have to keep buying a new KB ...just buy the modules/plugin boards you need for your purposes.....am I Rambling......Dreaming......or Making Sense

I agree 100%!!

As professional players we want something that we can stay familiar with (that is the keybed and button layout) and still can up grade the features without buying a new system.

Desk top computers, lap top computers and PDAs are doing that. And they are still coming out with new hardware products which people are buying.

If Ketron can make the midjay only 7LBs (which has all the computer componants of the keyboard) there is no reason why arranger manufacturers can not make a 76 key arranger that is less than 30LBS.

The reasoning that we should settle for 61 keys even if we really want 76 keys shows how much work we have to do so that arranger manufacturers would start making arrangers with our needs.

I just hope they don't take that reasoning and start making 49 key arrangers and say 61 would be nice but you can do with just 49.

Its time for arranger manufacturers to stop saying how hard it is to make arrangers, and start making arrangers with features that professionals need.