Originally posted by Dnj:
6 month later the same salesmen talks the same customers into a new $20,000+ organ which they'll never play or learn how to use...which usualy after they pass away the wife or husband will donate it to the church or clubhouse with a nice plaque with his name on it "In Memory Of Joe Blow" etc, etc….
It's buyer beware my friends!!
I am really glad you brought this up. When I worked for the Baldwin Piano Co. one of my responsibilities was to visit dealers around the country to offer product training and workshops for those dealers. A few of those dealers also sold home organs and I was really turned off by the prices charged and for the trade-up sales tactics that these dealers practiced. Recently though, my opinion has changed somewhat.
The fact is, for many of these senior citizens going to weekly organ classes is a recreational experience where they get to enjoy the company of others in an environment that is fun. To see these folks share their pride with the rest of the class in purchasing the next level up instrument is heartwarming. Do I think the prices are overboard? Yeah, probably. But on the other hand, it is their money and if they choose to spend it on something that brings them joy and health (yes, I believe in the music wellness program) instead of leaving it to their relatives to squander, then I say more power to them.
As for your ‘buyer beware’ comment, as someone who grew up in a retail environment, the similar statement of ‘salesman beware’ can also be true referring to my earlier comments regarding the practice of trying out here, buying there.