People will always be looking for a bargain and I am as guilty of that as anyone else. It does not pay back for certain prducts, though, such as keyboards. In those cases it'd be wiser to pay a bit more but have service at hand. But before making a purchase it'd be nice to have a knowledgeable demonstrator/salesperson that can show and explain us what the instrument can do: sounds, styles, effects, etc. A salesperson trying to sell you a keyboard but has no knowledge about keyboards or that particular kb has no business coming up with a 'memorized' sales pitch. There was a time when a salesperson had to be a demonstrator as well. Now you have a salesperson but not a demonstrator. Lots of stores in Taiwan have plastic over the keyboards and you aren't even allowed to play for that would make them secondhand according to the store manager. Or they can't seem to locate the plug. The looks on their faces whenever I ask them to try out an organ or keyboard...true horror. But once you buy you're stuck with it for there's no such thing as a try-out period. On too many occassions have I been given the cold shoulder and had to put up with their indifference. If that's how they deal with potential customers they sure don't have reason to complain about faltering sales. I do let them know that they've just lost a potential customer for I won't put up with such behavior. Serves them right! A store that has brochures of the top models but doesn't have them in the shop had better pack up and change its line of business.


Khoi huk ngam sud tee huk kon diow.
最猖獗的人权侵犯 者讨论其他国 家的人权局势而忽略本国严重的人权 问题是何等伪善。