Originally posted by AFG Music:
search first the Topic about Live-Arranger,
and then say MS/Groove users did not give honest answer about this before.


you are doing the same as Diki..............

[This message has been edited by AFG Music (edited 06-12-2010).]

No AFG i am not doing the same as Diki ! I have not read every single thing that has ever been posted on the forum nor will i as most of it is not relevant to me ! You never said as far as i can tell that Liontracs dont sell the Mediastaion with styles on it anymore. Instead you posted links to web sites on copyright and the differences between countries which actually had NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH THE TRUTH OF WHAT DOM WAS NOW DOING. The answer to my questions in relation to Dom and the Liontracs product had nothing to do with how copyright laws worked from different countries so what the hell were you doing posting those links ? You were the one that posted the judgement that yamaha obtained on the copying of yamaha styles ! You asked what it meant and i explained to you what it meant and you then tried to hint that it meant that copyright for styles may not be protected outside of china just because it was the first time that styles had been considered under copyright law ! That was certainly the implication of your remark and if it wasnt please explain what the hell you actually meant when you said '

Originally posted by AFG Music:
read the article better:

The court was first one world wide who recognize copyright on rom styles and only in China and Yamaha is first companhy claim this.

such as the article claims

Clearly none of it had any relevance to the fact that Dom nolonger sold the MS with ANY STYLES !

Even in the links you have just included above you have not specifically mentioned what the hell it is you want me to understand from the links !

But what i did read from those links according to Dom himself was

'in this last 5 years that our sound designer have cloned with the Extreme sample converter, ton of Yamaha, Roland, Korg.... sounds and aslo styles.
NO one of this brand till today sent me ONE email, Fax or any call...it mean that anybody there are totally FREE to clone what they want, including Ketron sounds...
More you pressing on this argument and more I have fun to pay new developers to clone the all is possible.
Are years that I'm waiting for a nice call from this big brands....someone there is interested to buy my whole project and stopping all??
Just call...I'm always here waiting How can you '

Then he said as a side note

'Just anotgher note:
when someone download and install my new OS 4.0, do NOT include ANY GIGA/VST sounds and styles!
we include also one basic Debian sounds installer of our Giga soundbank GM and some Free VST/Asio Demo version host, thats all.
what then the custumers will install on the 250/1T Gb Hard disk is NOT our problem.'

So as of OS version 4 Dom stopped packaging cloned styles despite him boasting in the same thread that anyone can copy whatever they want ! Yeah right ! So what he was doing prior OS 4 of the MS WAS HIGHLY LIKELY TO BE ILLEGAL regardless as to whether yamaha took any notice or not !

Just so that everyone knows what kind of businessman you are Dom.

Can you publically state in thiS thread whether you sold MS units with yamaha copyrighted styles on the unit previously . James doesnt know your history and seems to think you only did it for private use.....

People need to know the kind of folk they are creating associations with.....