Once upon the time Da Vinci painted Mona Lisa (Leo created the Rhodes) and then some guy
came along and made a copy of it (Korg sampled the Rhodes in their Keyboard) and out of
nowhere people started recopying the Mona Lisa and selling smaller versions (Korg did it in few
of their instruments) and then kids at home started printing copies of Mona Lisa ( kids started
sampling the Rhodes from Korg)...and so on...anyone on this Copyrights?
I did a Oxygene VIII Combination for M3, JMJ wrote the actual Instrumental. Now, mine is used
for people to play THAT song or Improvise on their own over that beat (which is not the same).
Who cares if JMJ wrote the Instrumental? Why do i have to pay him fees? Did i create actually
the song and sell it as is? NO! And yes i named it exactly as he did. Did he invent the name Oxygene?
And on the other hand, i will sample an instrument from a synth and i will challenge EVERYONE
in here (even DIKI) to analyze it and tell me what it is or if its THAT instrument...and not even
resample it, i will just copy it and rename it. It Sounds exactly the same? Why not??? Maybe i am
that good and i did exactly like that. Those stupid Balkan players that people go crazy over now
use some stupid Sounds on their Korg's. I recreated them up to 100% identical as theirs from ROM
on the Korg's keyboards, I've tried to compare 2 same sounds from 2 different sets, most of the
setting were IDENTICAL (by coincidence), some of them Sound IDENTICAL and all of the settings
are different, even the ROM PCM is different, i just used different methods to achieve the same
Sound. Now...do i owe them anything? That is a simple way of comparison and explanation.
In your own language:
I heard Jump from VanHalen, i created the EXACT sound on one of my synths and now what???
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