Originally Posted By: Bachus

The average age of the tyros buyer here in Europe is about 60, maybe Yamaha is right and those people dont want a touchscreen but the sollid buttons they where used too.
Financially its cheeper to integrate a touchscreen the 50 extra hardware buttons

If using a touchscreen is, as you say, financially cheaper, why didn't Roland go with one on their latest arranger, rather than use the allegedly more expensive non-touch screens(two of them actually) and physical buttons/sliders?

Since Roland has purportedly been successful using touchscreen technology on earlier, similar arranger instruments, what other reasons would they have not to extend it's use, especially since users of the older instruments were allegedly pleased (and familiar) with this type of interface, and the cost to the company, and ultimately, the end user, would be lower?

I'm also interested in how you have confirmed "its cheeper to integrate a touchscreen the 50 extra hardware buttons" on an arranger keyboard?

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.