Gary... perhaps, having not played with a drummer since you replaced him with a machine, you may have forgotten what having one next to you sounds like. Try a BK-9 one day. That ought to remind you!

The weird thing is, Yamaha SEEM to be acknowledging how weak the drums are, by putting all this audio drums stuff in, then touting how realistic it all is. Trouble is, Korg and Roland both seem to have little trouble achieving a good live sound without resorting to this kind of system, and do it simply by having great KITS in the arranger, which means ALL your styles (if you switch them to the punchy kits) sound great, not the less than 10% that Yamaha provide for audio styles.

I simply feel this technology needs to be either almost 100% of the content, or none. The half hearted way they have implemented this would worry me no matter WHAT arranger it came out on.

And Gary, sorry, but if you are going to condemn anyone's negative opinion of the T5 because they aren't going to buy one, by the same logic, shouldn't you be against anyone with a positive review of it if THEY aren't going to buy one either?

Which would include you... LOL
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!