BK-9's action is basically pretty much the same as T4, PA3X, minus the aftertouch. Weight feels about the same, nice and crisp...
I'm glad you are happy with your BK-9 keyboard, Diki...I understand how you feel...I'm very content with my Tyros4.

I was never
unhappy with the PSR action...one adjusts and gets comfortable to different feels over time, and if I had been unable to afford my Tyros4, an S910 would have been my next choice, and I know I'd still be sittin' here every day, happy as a shig in pit, playing music, recording, and making styles, instead of fussing over what action is supposedly better than another.
I appreciate having such a great, and
healthy way to escape for awhile from all the less joyful parts of life.
I do know that a BK-9 would not suit me, as I'm very fond of Yamaha's
sound, and the BK-9 just doesn't have the same smoothness and balance; it works for you, and that's the important thing.
But, that's the beauty of these wonderful choices we have...we can all pretty well find something to suit us, and, most importantly, fit within our budget.
But that's enough out of me about Roland and Korg and Ketron...this thread was clearly about information on the
Tyros5, and I think,
since neither you nor I are going to buy one, maybe we should let the thread stick to, and focus on, what the really BIG news is....

We can bet there will be plenty of topics on Tyros5 and it's comparison and relation to other TOTL arrangers when it's actually available or at the very least, shown in some YouTube or factory demos.
Only about a week or so to wait.
