Originally posted by Scottyee:
Hardly a notch. Having gigged with both myself, I find the Tyros a big improvement in both sound and important features. The T2's SA voices, ability to expand instrument sound palette (create & import 'brand new' WAV voice samples) and new improved keyboard action offers one far greater instrument emulation playing EXPRESSION not possible on the PSR3000. This coupled with Text Lyric display tied to registration, and the ability to easily record your performance directly to the HD makes the Tyros2 a complete live performance keyboard production package.

Though I've owned my Tyros2 for nearly 10 months now, I'm continuing to discover exciting new features about this powerful keyboard. This includes most recently learnng how to CREATE & IMPORT into T2: 'brand new' WAV sample voices, plus customizing & adding multi-velocity triggered effects (pitch bend, mod, etc) to them, similar to the way Yamaha's Super Articulation voices work. Tyros2 continues to assist me in taking my music performance to new heights.


Scott thats great Im glad you enjoying your T2 for your needs it works.....for my needs the 3k is fine for now & sounds great......
no need to go "EN GUARDE" (Definition of en garde in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of en garde. Adj. 1. en garde - in a defensive stance)

Funny how you get dropped from the A list when you dont use the KB of the elite