HI, you fella's aren't exactly helping me make up my mind on which Yammie to get? psr3k or Tyros 2. Both have their pluses & minuses. Haven't heard or seen either.
As far as styles go, do they sound similar in quality or does the T2 sound much better?? Can they play each others styles without too many hassles??
For playing melody voices ie trumpets, sax , clarinet( voices in general) again are the T2 voices superior?
Is there a great deal of difference in the multipads ie can T2 multipads be played in a PSR3k & vice versa?
I have sample facilities, aftertouch etc in my SD1+, & 88 note weighted keyboard in the form of my Clavinova, so these functions are not really a consideration.
Maybe when hubby hears the price difference between the T2 , he may make the desicion for me haa haa.
best wishes Rikki
[This message has been edited by rikkisbears (edited 08-29-2006).]