I sold both Tyros 1 keyboards I owned. I now have a Tyros 2 –There is a difference, this one I will not sell.

There’s no you is a nice recording, at least the trumpet part, but it is not a good song to use to judge a keyboard. There is not much happening, the tempo and the instruments are just kinda there, no more.

Years ago we gave a name to this kind of music; “Music to jump off a roof by”. Aaaaaah

This is the second time I have posted this opinion;

If you have tried a keyboard or owned it for less than 60 days you do not know the keyboard. This does not apply if you are stepping up from a similar keyboard.
Psr3000 to a Tyros 1.
Tyros 1 to a Tyros 2.

Every major keyboard can do a great job if it is used as it was designed to be used, and not like you used your last keyboard. When I stopped trying to use my Tyros 2 the way I used my KN7000 I began to appreciate and love my Tyros 2, it’s fantastic.

IMHO, John C.